woman centering herself on a rocky shore

Say yes to yourself

You’re not defined by your trauma

-Dr Yemi + neuroscience

You’ve accomplished so much. . .  so why are your relationships suffering? Why do you feel so expendable? Why are you not living your best life?

Is it success if you’re checking off all the professional boxes, and still feeling a sense of emptiness when you go to sleep at night?

Is this it?

It doesn’t have to be.

self love


What if I told you that there is a proven neurobiological approach to discovering your purpose and releasing your trauma? Choosing growth is no cause for a pity party. This is a self love project. Discover your purpose, beyond professional and domestic achievement. Come willing to bare it all, be vulnerable and connect with others like you and you will learn the art of healing your own heartbeat. You will learn to say yes to yourself.

Everything is created twice. First in your mind, then in reality. In your mind, you can decide to be a better you and plan the positive steps to make it happen. But in reality, all things work together for growth. Not just successes, but failures too. Not just confidence, but insecurities too. Achieving completeness of being means committing to finding the lessons in everything life throws your way and growing from it.

The soul revival movement is full of women courageous enough to commit to their growth and the vulnerability that comes with it.


I call this…



Have I told you my story??

Eviction notice for my million dollar home. Bank account
emptied out. Facing homelessness with 3 kids.

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Let’s Heal Together

My story